In a lot of instances wrestling truly is a family business. We have second and third generation Superstars, fathers and sons, sets of twins. Any family connection you can think of there is more than likely a plethora of examples of it in pro wrestling. When you think of wrestling families the first images that pop into your head are probably fathers and sons, and most likely Samoans, but for the most part they're all male. Well there are more female connections in wrestling than you may think, especially with the recent women's revolution that is more of a main stay in WWE now than a movement.

For the purposes of this list we'll be focusing on the relationships between wrestling fathers and daughters. Wrestling has always been a pretty misogynistic business and for the most part it has been sons that follow in their father's footsteps. Well daughters have done it too with most instances being fairly recent ones like Charlotte and Paige. Those two ladies will feature on the more light hearted side of this list that focuses on the better relationships between fathers and daughters. The other side of the list isn't necessarily made up of women with poor paternal relationships that followed their dads into the business, but a mix of female wrestlers with soured relationships between themselves and their fathers, and also wrestling fathers whose relationships with their daughters leave a lot to be desired.

19 15. Sweet: The Neidharts

Natalya is one of the most admirable women to ever step foot in a WWE ring for a whole multitude of reasons. She's a third generation Superstar, the first woman to train in the famous Hart Dungeon, one of the few women to stick out the outdated era of women's wrestling to finally get what she deserves in the present day, the list goes on and on. It's no surprise really when you look at who Nattie's father is, the legendary Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart. The two have a great relationship together as is showcased regularly via the reality show Total Divas. Neidhart was a fantastic wrestler and clearly he has divulged a lot of that wisdom with his daughter as she is effectively now the mother figure of the women's locker room due to her tenure with WWE.

18 14. Sour: Scott Hall

A WWE Hall of Famer he may be, but that aside Scott Hall has had a troubled life battling addiction and substance abuse. During the late 1990s those problems wound up having an affect on more than just himself. Hall married twice during that time period, both times to the same woman and both marriages ended in divorce. While the pair were together however they did have two children, a son and a daughter. When your father is addicted to drugs and your parents get divorced not once, but twice because of it, it's fair to say that you're probably going to resent your father a little bit for it. While getting clean has repaired Scott's relationship with his son who he now helps train, his daughter still doesn't see eye to eye with the former Intercontinental Champion.

17 13. Sweet: Paul and Rachael Ellering

Another WWE Hall of Famer, Paul Ellering, is currently on WWE television. While he's most famous for managing the legendary Road Warriors, his current role has him doing the same job for NXT Tag Team Champions the Authors of Pain. What you may not know is that up until recently his daughter Rachael Ellering was also an employee at NXT. She didn't quite make the cut, for now, but did have television matches against Liv Morgan and Alexa Bliss. Her father was recently on Jim Ross's podcast discussing the possibility of managing his daughter in the future. Wrestling isn't the only way Rachael has followed in her father's footsteps as she is also a keen power lifter just like her old man used to be.

16 12. Sour: Missy Hyatt

Missy Hyatt is widely regarded as the first lady of wrestling. Any of you that watched the product during the 1980s and 1990s will probably be familiar with her as well as having fond memories of her. You'll also probably know that since her career in the business started winding down she has had quite a turbulent life, most of it revolving around failed relationships with other people in the business. When you try and point at what her troubled life stems from, you'd be forgiven for suggesting that it may be her childhood. The downbeat side of this list focuses on father-daughter relationships that have soured, and it doesn't get much more sour than never knowing your dad at all. Hyatt was given up for adoption at a very young age and hence never knew her biological parents.

15 11. Sweet: Roman Reigns

All of you that sit in the arenas every week, and maybe even do it from your couch at home, and boo Roman Reigns, time to take a long hard look at yourselves. Not only has The Big Dog done absolutely nothing wrong, simply what he's being told by Vince McMahon, but he's also a family man. The former WWE Champion and multi-time WrestleMania headliner has a wife and a young daughter. So next time you're booing him out of the building think of those two people watching at home and wondering why you hate him so much. Joking aside, Roman clearly is a great father and was actually the poster boy for a father daughter campaign a while back. Maybe it was an attempt to get sympathy for one of WWE's most hated figures, maybe it's simply because he's a role model dad. Personally it seems like a good mix of both to me.

14 10. Sour: Chyna

In 2016 the wrestling world lost one of the most influential women to ever step foot between the ropes, Chyna. If you've heard even a fraction of what Chyna went through during her life, especially her childhood, then you'd begin to understand why she had the problems that she did in later life. To say her relationship with her mother was strained would be an understatement, and the few times her father appeared in her life it only seemed to make things worse. When Chyna was a child her dad had problems with alcohol and at one point stabbed her mother in the thigh with a bread knife. Later in life Chyna claims that her father took out student loans in her name without telling her, and said loans left her with $40,000 in debt. Not very fatherly actions at all.

13 9. Sweet: Owen Hart

One of the most tragic stories in WWE history is the death of Owen Hart. A wrestler beloved by everybody in the business who passed away after falling from the rafters of an arena at a pay per view due to a stunt going wrong. While the wrestling world lost one of its own that night, what's even more heart breaking is that Owen left behind a wife and two young children. The youngest of the two was his daughter Athena, who was only a few years old at the time of her father's passing. It's pretty safe to assume that Owen would have been just as kind and terrific a person in his home life that he was when he was at work and I can't even conceive how detrimental an affect it must have had on both his son and daughter.


11 8. Sour: Jimmy and Tamina Snuka

The WWE recently lost a legend and a Hall of Famer in Jimmy Snuka. Although Superfly undoubtedly contributed so much to the business, his passing left fans and the company itself with some confused feelings. I can only imagine that feeling was magnified for his daughter, and current WWE Superstar, Tamina. The reason for that is because in the early 1980s her father was accused of murdering his then girlfriend. Although never convicted the case was reopened not long before Snuka's death, and the only reason it didn't go to trial was because of Jimmy's poor health. It must be painful for Tamina that now her father has passed, she will never know the truth one way or the other.

10 7. Sweet: Paige

Plenty of wrestlers in the business right now have a rich wrestling background. You'll probably be hard pushed to find someone who grew up around and in the ring more than former Diva's Champion Paige though. The Brit has basically been wrestling since she was a child and can actually claim that she took her first bump before she was born since her mom is also a wrestler and continued to work while pregnant as she didn't realize that she had a baby on the way. Paige has a great relationship with both of her parents. Her mom and dad run their own wrestling company in the UK and that's how Paige broke into the business, so she really owes her career to her mother and father.


8 6. Sour: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold Steve Austin's name is synonymous with the world of professional wrestling. He's even become a top wrestling podcaster over the last few years through which he has filled fans in on many other aspects of his life. One corner of his life you won't hear The Texas Rattlesnake often talk about though is his family. He'll talk about his current wife Kristin and growing up in Texas, but it may come as a shock to some of you that Austin actually has two daughters from one of his previous marriages. Separating from their mother plus being at the height of his fame at the time clearly made his relationship with the two very strained. They're both adults now and one of them lives in the UK.

7 5. Sweet: Vince and Stephanie McMahon

No your eyes are not deceiving you, I have in fact put the complex and turbulent relationship between WWE Chairman and his daughter Stephanie in the sweet column of this article. Now those of you who are currently recalling the pairs' hard to watch I Quit match against one another will probably think I have a screw loose, but let's take a step back a second. As brutal as that match was, and it really was a horrible idea, it did all happen in the realms of a WWE story line. Outside of Kayfabe there is clearly a lot of love between this father – daughter combo. For starters it looks like Stephanie will inherit the keys to the kingdom once Vince finally can't go on any longer, if that ever happens.


5 4. Sour: Jake Roberts And His Children

A return to the dark topic of substance abuse for this next entry. As I mentioned before Scott Hall spent a lot of time getting himself clean after years of alcohol and drug addiction. He did so at his good friend's house Diamond Dallas Page, and he had someone else getting clean their right alongside him, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts. Their substance abuse problems weren't the only thing they had in common though. Jake had wound up with a fair few children of his own throughout his life with a number of different partners. Since getting his act together, getting clean, and becoming a WWE Hall of Famer a few of his children have come back into his life, but there are still some that want nothing to do with him.


3 3. Sweet: Charlotte and Ric Flair

Ric Flair will be the first man to admit that he probably wasn't there for his daughter Charlotte as much as he should have been while she was growing up. He was a mega star and was touring the world winning World Championships. Despite his absence, Charlotte has decided to follow in her father's footsteps, and we thank her for that as she is an incredible wrestling talent. From her beginnings in NXT to her winning titles on Raw, for the most part Ric was right there by her side. He may not have been there for her growing up, but recently he has done all that he can to make up for that lost time and is clearly extremely proud of his now muti championship winning daughter.

2 2. Sour: Rockin' Robin

The older fans among you may remember Rockin' Robin if you cast your minds back far enough. If you do remember her there is something you may still not know though, that she is actually the half sister of WWE Hall of Famer and former entry on this list, Jake Roberts. Sadly for Robin it was a father that she shared with Jake, Grizzly Smith. A wrestler himself and just not a nice man. Allegedly Smith abused Robin as a child and once her mother found out what was going on she removed her daughter from his care. There are also allegations that Grizzly's wife and Jake's step mom abused Roberts as a child also, so if all true a lot of nasty stuff in both siblings' young lives.

1 1. Sweet: Mick and Noelle Foley

There is probably no sweeter and closer father – daughter relationship in professional wrestling right now than that of WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. It was a relationship that we as fans had caught glimpses of from time to time, then we got to see a lot more of it when those two and the rest of the Foley household took part in the WWE Network reality show Holy Foley. Even though the whole family features, it was Mick and Noelle that were the center pieces of the show. Noelle is clearly enamored with her father's time in the ring and the wrestling business as a whole. In fact the show revealed to us that she is actually starting to train to become a wrestler herself, and Mick is reluctantly helping her to get there.
